Friday, March 28, 2008

Romantic Comedy

I've never really been a big fan of Romantic Comedy. The movies just aren't my style. Sure there is some entertainment value in them, like watching them in class isn't complete torture, but if I’m going to watch a movie that I pick I don't think I’d ever watch a romantic comedy. Romantic Comedies just don't have the action and excitement that I like in movies. And a lot of times they are just kind of... cheesy, in a way that i don't really care too much for. His girl Friday may have not really been to gender specific back in the old days when it was made, but now a days I don't think that it would do very well in the box office. When it was made there weren't as many or as good of action, adventure, or thriller movies out there, so guys would go and watch it. Because really without any alternatives it would be a good movie to watch. But now we have alternatives. Even though there really isn't anything that makes it more specific movie that a girl would like, more girls would end up going to it. Nowadays, would most men want to see a James Bond movie or his girl Friday? 3:10 to Yuma or his girl Friday? No country for Old Men or his girl Friday? I think you can see my point, not a ton of men would go to a movie like his girl Friday if it was made today because there are better films out there. Another thing is that With the way that they always talk so fast is annoying, you have to pay such close attention to hear everything, and most audiences aren't going to want to have to pay super close attention for the entire movie, compared to most movies that at times go a lot slower, especially with the dialog.

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