Thursday, May 1, 2008

Film Noir

Film Noir is an interesting genre, or whatever you want to call it, and I think that I like it. Out of the past and Chinatown were really good movies, and kiss me deadly was an ok comedy. I really like the action and danger in these suspenseful movies. I love going along with the plot and trying to figure out what I think will happen. But I'm not too big of a fan of the endings. Out of the Past and Chinatown had good enough ending. But Kiss Me Deadly's ending wasn't all that great. It was so bad that it was almost funny, in an, um, almost nearly ok way. And then there's Chinatown. I don't know how i feel about Chinatown's ending. It was a twist that i never really saw coming. but i wish that there was more closure at the ending. It left me wanting to see more of it, and I think that if I liked the ending a lot more i would really love this movie.

In a lot of ways I like the film style that this movie was filmed in. I like all the effects that they use with the use of darkness and shadow. It's different from what you see in action, thriller, or ever some horror movies today, and I think that it works really well to compliment the story line.

The Detective's in these movies are interesting characters that were entertaining to watch. In Kiss Me Deadly the detective went around beating the crap out of everybody for basically no reason, except the fact that he could do it, and he did it in a really unrealistic way, like when he crushed that one guys hand in a desk only using 3 fingers. Anyway, you get my point. And then there’s Chinatown. This detective isn’t really like the other detectives. He is portrayed as a weaker character, which is vulnerable to the world. And yet he is a sly and tricky person that manipulates people around until he gets his way as he slowly digs for what is really going on with the L.A. waterworks. And finally there’s Jeff Bailey. He is the typical detective, well ex detective that we are used to seeing in movies. He got a lot of baggage from his past and he’s trying to get rid of it. We really connect to his character throughout this movie. And Jeff also seems to have issues with self destructive behavior, and this really makes the viewer be on his side, and yet sad as we watch this movie unfold knowing that it is not going to end well.